Technology Products

Rosco cameras, back-up systems, and digital vision products compliment the automotive industry’s strongest mirror line-up by enhancing driver vision and safety around the entire vehicle. Visit for Rosco's complete line of technology products including cameras, monitors, recording cameras, sensors, and integrated products. 

Backup Sensors

Backup Sensors

​Achieve fewer accidents and greater peace of mind with Rosco's backup sensors.



Rosco’s dual lens HD continuous recording camera with live track and trace.

Back-Up Cameras

Back-Up Cameras

Rosco Back-Up cameras provide the ultimate in image resolution, audio feedback, and low light / nighttime vision.

Other Cameras

Other Cameras

Rosco offers many styles of cameras in addition to rear backup cameras.



We cover safety at all angles! Choose from a variety of 7" LCD monitor kits that work reliably with all types of cargo or passenger vehicles.